
Educating community members on the importance of TNR programs

why are there so many cats?


We work very hard to educate the community we live in and surrounding areas about the importance of TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return). The reason why we exist today is a simple word, “abandonment”. We are trying to stop the breeding cycle of cats, improving their lives while preventing reproduction.

Did you know that 1 unspayed female cat, her mate and all of her offspring producing 2 litters per year, with 2.8 surviving kittens per litter can produce 2,072,514 in 8 years! We started this program to educate people on the sheer importance of spaying and neutering their pets.

We also provide education on how long a cat or dog may live so you understand before making a purchase or adopting a living creature. Animals take work. They need vet care, food, water, vaccines, dental, exercise, walks, quiet time, play time, bathing and grooming. If you cannot commit to animal ownership for 10-18 years then please reconsider. If you know you can only have an animal for a short time please foster or take in an elderly, lonely animal. Many animals are so sad and lost when an owner passes away. Maybe you are what they need to be happy again!

Medina Meow Fix is focused on stopping the breeding cycle of these abandoned cats. In addition to our TNR, we also try to work on getting existing friendly cats off the streets. We work with our rescue alliances to help get as many friendly cats as possible adopted. And we try to trap the feral kittens and get them socialized through a rescue alliance where they will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. Then they will be adopted to live out their lives in their forever home.

education about TNR in medina

Working Toward Stricter Laws

We are big believers in that little microchip. It helps to track a cat and identify the owner. We believe this alone can curb abandonment. We also want to encourage microchipping for renters with cats in apartments. We want to pursue stricter law changes for abandonment. Having the cats microchipped will help to curb abandonment by allowing us to identify the owners and prosecute. That is a battle we will keep working on.

Medina Meow Fix is very involved with educating not only the public but our city leaders, police and law makers. We will fight for stricter misdemeanors city wide. Goddard’s law is meant to protect domestic animals but we also have to enforce city laws.

Get involved and if you see something, say something. And please do something if you can. An animal’s life might be saved because of you.